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Case ID:
In January 1694 a letter from a Maurice Jones of Egryn in Merionethshire to the authors of the famous early Encyclopedia of Britain and Ireland 'Camden's Britannica' described one of the earliest recorded sightings of a UFO in Wales.
The events described in the letter to have taken place the previous year in December and were described by Maurice Jones as follows:
'A fiery exhalation came from the sea and set fire to the hay with a blue weak flame. The fire, though easily extinguished, did not the least harm to any of the men who interposed their endeavour to save the hay, though they ventured (perceiving it different from common fire) not only close to it, but sometimes into it.'
Source: 'UFO Wales' David L. Richards 2012 page 33 citing 'Mysterious Britain' by Janet and Colin Bord 1995.