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Case ID:
8.30 PM.
Patrick Needham James (26), a quantity surveyor from Silverston Road, Milford Haven was about halfway between Nolton Haven and Haverfordwest in his car at about 8.30 pm. He saw what he took to be an unusually bright star, but as he glanced again he realised that it was descending.
It was white in colour and seemed to be spherical. Its medium brightness seemed to dull as it came lower. It came down to within about 100 yards of the ground and then began to drift slowly on the wind in the direction of Broad Haven. The light from the object was steady and without pulsation. It was about a quarter of a mile away in the direction Mr James was travelling but, as he drew nearer he lost sight of it as the road curved.
He continued on his way home and then caught sight of the thing again. It seemed to be hovering over the council houses in Nolton Haven at a height of about fifty to a hundred feet in the air. It seemed to be a yard or more wide and resembled 'a ball of light.' Mr James was less than half a mile away as he watched the object resume its drifting in the direction of the beach.
Thoroughly intrigued by the mystery, he took a road down to the seashore, but the light had vanished.
Source: 'The Dyfed Enigma' Randall Jones Pugh & F. W. Holiday 1979 page 61.