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Case ID:





Broad Haven Primary School lies in a small valley at the southern end of the village of Broad Haven on St. Bride's Bay. This Friday morning a group of children were playing football in the school field and were suddenly aware of a strange, dome-shaped object just over 200 yards away, on the other side of a few trees, near the head of the small valley.

It had been clearly visible, being close to the ground and only partly obstructed by two trees, one each side of it.

The children had seen it against the background of the fields beyond, and it was below the skyline. And furthermore, a figure was seen moving around on the ground beside the craft.

On Monday 7 February, the Headmaster, Ralph Llewhellin was intrigued by the boys' stories and decided to put it to the test.

He separated them and asked them to draw what they saw. What they produced, taking into account the age of the artists and allowing for some licence, shows some features which occur in all of the drawings - they had indeed seen a landed domed craft with a light on the top, and a door.

Llewellyn contacted a reporter in Haverfordwest and the story appeared in the local Western Telegraph newspaper. There followed a media storm, which put Broad Haven on the map in UFO history.

40 YEARS ON - 4 FEBRUARY 2017:

To mark the 40th anniversary of this incident, SUFON organised a conference in Broad Haven village hall, across the lane from the school on 4 February 2017. One of the original witnesses, David Davies kindly travelled down from his home in Shropshire to talk about his experience and we also had the unique experience of visiting the school yard with him, so that he could show us at first hand exactly what he had seen as an 11-year-old boy.

Of all the child witnesses, he was the only one to stand in the public gaze and speak about it over the years since 1977 and had appeared in a number of documentaries.

He has always maintained the truth of the story, and when he moved up to secondary school in September 1977, he had to suffer years of bullying due to the huge amount of publicity which the case had after it came to light. But he stuck with it and it is to his credit that we have his testimony to this day.

Source: 'The Welsh Triangle' Peter Paget 1979 pages 25-28/'The Dyfed Enigma' Randall Jones-Pugh & F.W. Holiday 1979

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