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Case ID:
8.45 AM.
Steve Thomas: 'Sat with colleagues in works van at Mynydd Islwyn covered reservoir having a coffee before starting work and I noticed what I thought was one of those small executive jets flying very low coming from our front left. I jokingly said to my workmate "Look out, UFO", just to get his attention and to break the silence, so we were both watching it flying VERY slowly across our front for a few seconds, then I remarked that I couldn't see any wings or tail on the object which my colleague also agreed with. By now it had our full attention and I turned the radio in the van off to see if we could hear sound of any engine, but there was complete silence. It made it's way past us then turned North West towards Tredegar still travelling very slowly until it faded into the distance after about 5 minutes.
The object was reminiscent of a toothpaste box (!) with a slope at the front end, it looked like one of the Space Shuttles, about the size of a large van/single decker bus and was all white apart from 3 or 4 black circles along the length of the side facing us.....didn't look aerodynamic at all really. No lights, no sound, no visible wings or tail and I estimate it to have been no more than 1000 feet up in the sky. Asked my colleague to draw what he saw a couple of days later and it was particularly identical to mine. Gutted we didn't take any photos on our phones but we were too busy watching this object, and surprised I haven't seen any mention of it considering it was rush hour on a Monday morning over a busy town.
Location on map is of the village of Mynyddislwyn - can't find reference to a covered reservoir.