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Case ID:
7 PM. Clear night.
A witness saw an object which was boomerang or V-shaped. It had a constant orange or yellow uniform glow along length of shape. The witness thought it was a Chinese lantern at first but was moving too quickly and flying back and forth over a woodland area before descending down at approximately a 60 degree angle. The witness said it was definitely not a bird as the shape was rigid and luminous.
The witness discounted the possibility it could have been a remote controlled aircraft or drone, as it had a continuous glow, and went to area in daylight, and found that it is all woodland.
"It rose toward the trees and I thought it was a lantern bur speed was too quick. Then travelled a few hundred metres, turned back and forth like a bird over a hundred metres several times but the shape was rigid. It had a continuous glow along its length. Called two mature adults to look at it. Where the area was you would have to walk a fair distance in the dark to area to fly a model plane, which you would risk damaging."
A detailed investigative report by Dave Hodrien is available on the BUFOG website.
Source: www.ufoinfo.com/sightings/uk/140120a.shtml
Location on map is approximate as we don not know location in detail.