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Case ID:
“I had just got out of my car at the petrol station in my local town (Port Talbot), when I noticed an orange light in the sky.
At first I thought it was a helicopter (we get quite a few over the town with strong spotlights looking for who knows what) as it was moving slowly and that maybe the orange light was blocking my view of the helicopter. I had to fill up the car with petrol which I remember being annoyed at as I really wanted to see what the light was.
After filling up with petrol I tried to make visual contact again whilst driving (not recommended). I was getting occasional views of the light but I couldn’t stop as I was on a busy road with nowhere to pull over.
As I was making my way to another garage to inflate my tyres the light was above and in front of me. I was still driving and trying to keep eye contact with the light. It went directly overhead and I managed to slow down and get a better view.
The light was almost the same intensity and colour of a street light but just above the orange light I could make out a strange dark disk shape that I can only describe as appearing to vibrate. It was blurred like an out of focus object. It was this that really made me realise this object was unusual. There was no sound and I would say it was no more than 150 to 200 feet above me.
I lost sight as it went overhead and I remember cursing that I couldn’t pull over to get a better view, I was only a few minutes from home (with a camcorder waiting to be utilised) but by the time I got home I couldn’t see the light at all.
I should add that our local paper had a small write up on the incident confirming my sighting as being unusual and independently witnessed.
Source: beta.ufostalker.com/event/16524 uploaded by witness 15 April 2009.