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Case ID:
3 AM. Windy.
Nathan Thomas (14) and his younger brother, Alex live in Bryn Garth on the western edge of Denbigh. They heard a loud bang caused by bins blowing over and looked out of their rear bedroom window, which faces north, and saw a group of white lights flashing and pulsing, possibly in the sky and seemingly on a hillside which lies about a mile to the north-west, near a quarry.
Nathan said: 'When I saw the lights I looked back into my room in case it was something reflecting on to the glass, but I opened the window and they were definitely in the sky.'
His mother, Linda Pritchard who also saw the lights described them as amazing and said they were circulating over two houses in Bryn Garth which back onto Cae Howell field, Denbigh.
'He woke me up, and his brother Alex and my grand-daughter Kiera. We all witnessed it, we were shaking and the dog kept barking. Nathan's first thought was this is a space-ship. The police just said it was lampers, but how can it be lampers at 3 am and its definitely in the sky' said Mrs Pritchard.
Alex managed to film the lights on his new video camera. The video shows a definite disc-shaped object, as the lights along its sides flash on and off, sometimes in sequence, and at others seemingly in a random pattern.
Alex said, 'It was a disc shape and I could see mini explosions in the light but it definitely wasn't fireworks because we had the window open and there was no sound. After we stopped filming we watched it for about half an hour and then next minute it was on an angle and was spinning and they confirmed there were no helicopters out on January 3.
Source: www.countytimes.co.uk/news/2012/02/22/gallery/ufos-filmed-over-denbigh-19551/
Kirstie Dolphin 22 February 2012.
See the video taken by Alex Thomas here:
In 2018 I took Mike Maunder and Gari Jones to visit Linda Pritchard and her sons and daughter and we stood in the bedroom from which Alex took the video. At the same time they kindly played back the video on a large wall-mounted screen in the same room and we were able to compare the view in the video, in which roofs of houses in the foreground could be used as reference points, with the daytime view we had through the window.
I noticed the angle of the line of lights and managed to pin point a field on the hillside about a mile away, which was at the same angle. After working out where it was on a map, Linda took us in her car and drove out for a site visit. Obviously we weren't looking for evidence of a landing as it was over 6 years later, but was useful for establishing a likely landing site. We walked through the fields in question which have been marked on the map.
Emlyn Williams - SUFON.