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To the Editor of THE JOURNAL,
SIR - If any of your astronomical readers had been up and about at 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning last, they would have seen a really grand sight, which I myself saw by chance.
I happened to be awake at 3.20 on the morning in question, and, looking out of my window, saw what appeared to me to be an enormous ball of fire, which seemed to be very agitated before it settled down, in a few minutes, into a steady glare. The star, or whatever it was, appeared in the north-east; it had none of the appearance of a comet, but still had a kind of forked tail.
At about four o'clock it suddenly seemed to divide, and then the whole disappeared in a second, leaving the other smaller stars in the field looking ashamed of themselves. I know nothing about astronomy myself, and cannot tell what it was but having had my night rest disturbed (for which I disturbed others in the house), I should at least like to know what had disturbed it. Perhaps some of your readers can enlighten me. I am yours, etc., F. W. C. Llanstephan Vicarage.
Source: 'The Carmarthen Journal & South Wales Weekly Advertiser': Friday, 20 September 1889.
Sir. Looking over one of your recent issues I was struck by "F. W. C's" account of a strange appearance which he saw in the sky at Llanstephan.
Are we to understand that the luminous object was visible in or near the same spot in the heavens for 40 minutes, because if so the phenomenon is worth reporting to scientific headquarters. It trust there may be corroborative evidence forth-coming. Yours, &c., ARTHUR MEE F. R. A. S. Editor, "Carmarthenshire Notes", Llanelly.
Source: 'The Carmarthen Journal & South Wales Weekly Advertiser': Friday, 11 October 1889.